Sunday, December 13, 2009

Walk without abrasions and cuts

Children learn about the world of games and constant pranks! They love to walk, play and frolic. And, unfortunately, because of young age, they are not always careful, and they rarely manage to avoid such troubles, as cuts, scratches and abrasions. Many parents put between the concepts of equality and can not accurately explain what a scratch is different from the cut, and cut from scratch.

Let us look in the directory

To start with learning to differentiate cuts and all other skin damage

A scratch - is damage to the surface layer of the skin, which has a linear form. Scratches usually occur during the games with pets (cats, dogs, hamsters). Sometimes they are a consequence of scratching. If your baby tummy itches, it will not be tolerated, he will scratch. It is not very good, as a result of scratching scratches are formed, which can then become infected and inflamed.

Excoriation - a defect in the surface layer of the skin, but, in contrast to the cuts, greater in area and volume. Abrasions on his knees and elbow kids get most often when falling while running and playing. Agree, hardly anyone in childhood is not flaunted "green" knees or not frown when her mother smeared elbows iodine. It is not passed no one, so that scratches are inevitable!

Cut - is damage to all layers of the skin thoroughly. Sometimes it may be accompanied by damage underlying tissues (muscles, ligaments, tendons). Cuts babies occur when falling on broken glass, careless handling of sharp objects.

Run to the doctor?

What should parents do? How to decide the case, contact the doctor, and in what not?

* Cuts in the face and head always require treatment to a doctor. The only exceptions are very minor and small cuts.
* Most babies cause a trauma in the mouth (for example, on the back of the pharynx, soft palate, cheeks). These wounds arise from sharp objects such as pen, pencil, toothpick, etc. When such injuries required treatment at the clinic!
* Cut to a length of more than 2 cm and requires the attention of the doctor, as may be required suturing.
* If the wound edges, resulting from cuts diverge when driving, you need to see a specialist. <

What is fraught with cuts in children?

Cuts in the wrist can be accompanied not only damage the skin and muscles, but nerves and tendons. If you do not ask for qualified help, the consequences of such cuts may be irreversible. <

Resulted in some cuts can be severe bleeding, resulting in a baby loses a lot of blood. Bleeding pulsating, bright scarlet jet may indicate a damaged artery. Rake, then there is a strong cut, requires a mandatory sutures. Therefore, in fact, and in another case, an appeal to the doctor should be immediately! Some cuts in children are accompanied by fever and sometimes nausea or even vomiting. In such cases it is better not to engage in self-medicate and seek medical advice. <

Can not be discounted that when entering into the wound of a foreign body and the dirt it is possible infection. If the foreign body is not removed, the wound is inflamed and will ooze a purulent discharge. Therefore you should not blithely refer to care for even minor scratches. It cuts a formidable complication in children is the lack of vaccination against tetanus. Quite often the wounds arising from babies as a result of cuts, inflamed. This is manifested swelling, soreness and redness around the wound. This feeling of pain for the child.

Even if the wound requires intervention specialist, parents should be able to give my child first aid. And our challenge to you, dear mom and dad, this train.

First aid

Assisting with cuts in children consists of several stages.

Phase One - calming the child must be possible to allay. And always check to see that he does not touch the wound with his hands. Otherwise this will lead to its contamination, infection and further inflammation.

Step Two - wash the wound The wound must be cleaned so that no contamination occurred, inflammation and suppuration. The most optimal way of processing small cuts in children is a clean water rinse with a children's soap. And do it best not to hand, and a cotton swab or piece of bintika. The more carefully and accurately you promoete cut, the less chance of complications in the form of infection and inflammation.

Step Three - stop bleeding if the blood oozing from the wound slightly for a few minutes, the bleeding is only facilitates purification of the cut and the prevention of infections. This situation is not dangerous for kids (except for kids with hemophilia). In all other cases, stop bleeding is necessary, because even a small loss of blood to the child can be dangerous. So parents before the arrival of the doctor should try to stop the bleeding on its own.

* If you cut the baby in the hand or foot, you need to lift it and hold in this position. It can significantly reduce the bleeding, because blood "otolet" from the elevated limb. <
* Bleeding resulting from almost any cut, you can stop, put it on him a pressure bandage. And hold it should be at least 20 minutes. Then, if the bleeding has decreased, tightly perebintuyte place cuts. But be careful: you bandage, not perezhat. If, for example, bandage the arm very tightly, there will be a violation of the circulation of blood, which is not very good for the limbs.

But neither the elevated position of the limbs, or compressive bandage can stop severe arterial or venous bleeding. Arterial bleeding occurs when damage to the arteries and is characterized by throbbing, purple and even crimson stream of blood. The venous bleeding occurs when damage to veins and characterized profluvium dark blood in a quiet, no shaking (in contrast to arterial bleeding) rate. In such a case must perezhat vessel or finger tourniquet. But the imposition of tourniquet leads to disruption of blood circulation in the limbs, so it should impose only in extreme cases. Also be sure to record the time the overlay tourniquet and urgently to carry the child to the hospital. When arterial bleeding should impose a tourniquet above the wound, while venous - below e

Step Four - the application of antiseptics If the bleeding has stopped, then followed by the application of antiseptics. They are used for prevention of infection and inflammation of the cuts. Antiseptic preparations, as a rule, are means that stimulate wound healing. In every house in the compulsory to attend these funds! They are available in different forms: as an alcoholic tincture, an aqueous solution and maz

Aqueous solution was washed the wound, impregnated bandages and tampons. Such funds do not cause irritation and burning. Therefore, as a rule, kids react to them calmly. <

Alcohol tinctures can not be used for washing cuts, as when ingested, the wounds they cause necrosis, ie, cell death. Thus, these funds do not stimulate the healing of cuts, and even hinder it! Fluids that contain alcohol, treated the area around the wound and its edges. The kiddies do not like these arrangements because they cause a strong sense of burning, after all the babies skin is so soft! Ointments are applied directly to the wound or bandage. How long to keep the ointment on the wound is not recommended: it prevents its healing and drying.

Step Five - applying a sterile bandage dressing protects the cut from pollution.

Child can not touch the wound with dirty hands and to place there the infection. Before you begin to placing the bandage, you must carefully examine the cut. The edges of the wound must be dry and clean. Where possible, they need to take to each other and only then bandage. Fix plaster is necessary that it does not move and do not move with the cuts.

Abrasion, on the contrary, we should not close the bandage as well as scratch. In the open form, they quickly "dry up" and tightened. But if you are displaying your baby for a walk, make him a temporary bandage in order to protect it from sand and dirt.

Tips just Slutch

Finally want to give a few tips to help parents do not get lost in cases of cuts in children. Hopefully, they will be helpful for you to provide first aid to your kiddies.

* When processing cuts do not recommend using iodine, as it can cause allergic reactions. And the use of iodine for kids suffering from diseases of the thyroid gland is not permitted without consulting your doctor.
* Should not allow ingress of hydrogen peroxide in the deep wounds: possible blockage of vessels with small air bubbles.
* Light bleeding can not stop: they cleanse the wound and / or damage the child.
* When processing scores in children is recommended to use aqueous solutions of antiseptics. They are safe and easily transferred to the child than the alcohol does not cause a burning sensation, redness and irritation.
* When the wound requires sutures (wound is longer than 2 cm), then access to a doctor should be urgent. If the seams are not imposed during the first eight hours after the cuts, they can already cast. During this time, the bacteria enter the wound, if stitches and close the wound, it will develop inflammation and suppuration.
* Not recommended for children to handle cuts boric acid solution. In children, this drug penetrates through the damaged skin and toxic effects, manifested diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and a rash on the skin.

Thus, cuts are inevitable in games and activities of the child. This should not be scared. Parents should be informed and ready to render first aid to your baby before turning to the doctor. Hopefully, this article will help you with this! Be Healthy!
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