Children learn about the world of games and constant pranks! They love to walk, play and frolic. And, unfortunately, because of young age, they are not always careful, and they rarely manage to avoid such troubles, as cuts, scratches and abrasions. Many parents put between the concepts of equality and can not accurately explain what a scratch is different from the cut, and cut from scratch.
Let us look in the directory
To start with learning to differentiate cuts and all other skin damage
A scratch - is damage to the surface layer of the skin, which has a linear form. Scratches usually occur during the games with pets (cats, dogs, hamsters). Sometimes they are a consequence of scratching. If your baby tummy itches, it will not be tolerated, he will scratch. It is not very good, as a result of scratching scratches are formed, which can then become infected and inflamed.
Excoriation - a defect in the surface layer of the skin, but, in contrast to the cuts, greater in area and volume. Abrasions on his knees and elbow kids get most often when falling while running and playing. Agree, hardly anyone in childhood is not flaunted "green" knees or not frown when her mother smeared elbows iodine. It is not passed no one, so that scratches are inevitable!
Cut - is damage to all layers of the skin thoroughly. Sometimes it may be accompanied by damage underlying tissues (muscles, ligaments, tendons). Cuts babies occur when falling on broken glass, careless handling of sharp objects.
Run to the doctor?
What should parents do? How to decide the case, contact the doctor, and in what not?
* Cuts in the face and head always require treatment to a doctor. The only exceptions are very minor and small cuts.
* Most babies cause a trauma in the mouth (for example, on the back of the pharynx, soft palate, cheeks). These wounds arise from sharp objects such as pen, pencil, toothpick, etc. When such injuries required treatment at the clinic!
* Cut to a length of more than 2 cm and requires the attention of the doctor, as may be required suturing.
* If the wound edges, resulting from cuts diverge when driving, you need to see a specialist. <
What is fraught with cuts in children?
Cuts in the wrist can be accompanied not only damage the skin and muscles, but nerves and tendons. If you do not ask for qualified help, the consequences of such cuts may be irreversible. <
Resulted in some cuts can be severe bleeding, resulting in a baby loses a lot of blood. Bleeding pulsating, bright scarlet jet may indicate a damaged artery. Rake, then there is a strong cut, requires a mandatory sutures. Therefore, in fact, and in another case, an appeal to the doctor should be immediately! Some cuts in children are accompanied by fever and sometimes nausea or even vomiting. In such cases it is better not to engage in self-medicate and seek medical advice. <
Can not be discounted that when entering into the wound of a foreign body and the dirt it is possible infection. If the foreign body is not removed, the wound is inflamed and will ooze a purulent discharge. Therefore you should not blithely refer to care for even minor scratches. It cuts a formidable complication in children is the lack of vaccination against tetanus. Quite often the wounds arising from babies as a result of cuts, inflamed. This is manifested swelling, soreness and redness around the wound. This feeling of pain for the child.
Even if the wound requires intervention specialist, parents should be able to give my child first aid. And our challenge to you, dear mom and dad, this train.
First aid
Assisting with cuts in children consists of several stages.
Phase One - calming the child must be possible to allay. And always check to see that he does not touch the wound with his hands. Otherwise this will lead to its contamination, infection and further inflammation.
Step Two - wash the wound The wound must be cleaned so that no contamination occurred, inflammation and suppuration. The most optimal way of processing small cuts in children is a clean water rinse with a children's soap. And do it best not to hand, and a cotton swab or piece of bintika. The more carefully and accurately you promoete cut, the less chance of complications in the form of infection and inflammation.
Step Three - stop bleeding if the blood oozing from the wound slightly for a few minutes, the bleeding is only facilitates purification of the cut and the prevention of infections. This situation is not dangerous for kids (except for kids with hemophilia). In all other cases, stop bleeding is necessary, because even a small loss of blood to the child can be dangerous. So parents before the arrival of the doctor should try to stop the bleeding on its own.
* If you cut the baby in the hand or foot, you need to lift it and hold in this position. It can significantly reduce the bleeding, because blood "otolet" from the elevated limb. <
* Bleeding resulting from almost any cut, you can stop, put it on him a pressure bandage. And hold it should be at least 20 minutes. Then, if the bleeding has decreased, tightly perebintuyte place cuts. But be careful: you bandage, not perezhat. If, for example, bandage the arm very tightly, there will be a violation of the circulation of blood, which is not very good for the limbs.
But neither the elevated position of the limbs, or compressive bandage can stop severe arterial or venous bleeding. Arterial bleeding occurs when damage to the arteries and is characterized by throbbing, purple and even crimson stream of blood. The venous bleeding occurs when damage to veins and characterized profluvium dark blood in a quiet, no shaking (in contrast to arterial bleeding) rate. In such a case must perezhat vessel or finger tourniquet. But the imposition of tourniquet leads to disruption of blood circulation in the limbs, so it should impose only in extreme cases. Also be sure to record the time the overlay tourniquet and urgently to carry the child to the hospital. When arterial bleeding should impose a tourniquet above the wound, while venous - below e
Step Four - the application of antiseptics If the bleeding has stopped, then followed by the application of antiseptics. They are used for prevention of infection and inflammation of the cuts. Antiseptic preparations, as a rule, are means that stimulate wound healing. In every house in the compulsory to attend these funds! They are available in different forms: as an alcoholic tincture, an aqueous solution and maz
Aqueous solution was washed the wound, impregnated bandages and tampons. Such funds do not cause irritation and burning. Therefore, as a rule, kids react to them calmly. <
Alcohol tinctures can not be used for washing cuts, as when ingested, the wounds they cause necrosis, ie, cell death. Thus, these funds do not stimulate the healing of cuts, and even hinder it! Fluids that contain alcohol, treated the area around the wound and its edges. The kiddies do not like these arrangements because they cause a strong sense of burning, after all the babies skin is so soft! Ointments are applied directly to the wound or bandage. How long to keep the ointment on the wound is not recommended: it prevents its healing and drying.
Step Five - applying a sterile bandage dressing protects the cut from pollution.
Child can not touch the wound with dirty hands and to place there the infection. Before you begin to placing the bandage, you must carefully examine the cut. The edges of the wound must be dry and clean. Where possible, they need to take to each other and only then bandage. Fix plaster is necessary that it does not move and do not move with the cuts.
Abrasion, on the contrary, we should not close the bandage as well as scratch. In the open form, they quickly "dry up" and tightened. But if you are displaying your baby for a walk, make him a temporary bandage in order to protect it from sand and dirt.
Tips just Slutch
Finally want to give a few tips to help parents do not get lost in cases of cuts in children. Hopefully, they will be helpful for you to provide first aid to your kiddies.
* When processing cuts do not recommend using iodine, as it can cause allergic reactions. And the use of iodine for kids suffering from diseases of the thyroid gland is not permitted without consulting your doctor.
* Should not allow ingress of hydrogen peroxide in the deep wounds: possible blockage of vessels with small air bubbles.
* Light bleeding can not stop: they cleanse the wound and / or damage the child.
* When processing scores in children is recommended to use aqueous solutions of antiseptics. They are safe and easily transferred to the child than the alcohol does not cause a burning sensation, redness and irritation.
* When the wound requires sutures (wound is longer than 2 cm), then access to a doctor should be urgent. If the seams are not imposed during the first eight hours after the cuts, they can already cast. During this time, the bacteria enter the wound, if stitches and close the wound, it will develop inflammation and suppuration.
* Not recommended for children to handle cuts boric acid solution. In children, this drug penetrates through the damaged skin and toxic effects, manifested diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and a rash on the skin.
Thus, cuts are inevitable in games and activities of the child. This should not be scared. Parents should be informed and ready to render first aid to your baby before turning to the doctor. Hopefully, this article will help you with this! Be Healthy!
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Sunday, November 22, 2009
5 reasons that might destroy the friendship between a man and a woman
"For men, all women - women, except the one he loves, it is for him - a man. For women, all men - the people, besides, she loves it for her - a man. "
The debate on whether there is a friendship between a man and woman in general, have not ceased for a very long time. Someone says that it is and proves it by example, someone secondly, that the friendship between the sexes, and there can not be.
How many people - so much and opinions. But now is not about that. For example, the friendship between the sexes still exists. Unfortunately, save it for many years much more difficult than to destroy. "Kill" a friendship can be, making only one wrong step, yielding momentary desire or crossed some invisible line.
There are many reasons that can destroy the friendship between a man and a woman. Here are just a few of them.
1. Recognition in Letter
You know a thousand years, played together in the sandbox, went to kindergarten, were sitting at a desk .... Now you no longer 15, awkward age behind. The guy you are familiar with since childhood, becoming a man. You all also nice talking to, you can share with him everything in the world, talk about their love triumphs and defeats, complain "to the vest" and say, until the morning in the kitchen for a cup of coffee. You have him comfortable and quiet, he never asked for something more ... But one day, still sitting on the very same kitchen, he suddenly recognized you in love. Says so that in all the intercepts: that has long been in love with you, can not imagine my life without you and that wants to try to engage in closer relations. Such recognition can ruin the friendship once and for all. The same thing could happen in the reverse situation, when you fall in love with his childhood friend and tell him about his feelings.
2. "Friendly" Sex
Personally I have nothing but the phrase "friendly sex" causes confusion and irony. But quite often on the Internet or in glossy magazines found precisely such a notion. After drinking one day with a friend, you find yourself in one bed. When you wake up in the morning, this story does not look so cheerful as the previous evening. My head aches, mood is ruined, relationships - too. Not always carried out after a stormy night, you can restore what was before her.
3. Get married, or being in love with another man
When one of the "friends" married or married - the friendship may be interrupted. You may need just a little break. Perhaps it forever.
Not every woman will perceive the news that her husband is one female, with great enthusiasm, and positive emotions voob
A similar situation could arise if one of the two of you meet the man fell in love, wants to hold him all his spare time, etc. In this case, it will disappear from the horizon, the calls will respond briefly and reluctantly, your meetings will become less and less, and then, perhaps, cease Islands
4. Disappointment, loss of interests
A woman can be friends with a man only if he is really interested in her. As companion, mentor, assistant .... If the interest of communication disappears - dies, and friendship. With men this is the case a little different, assert psychologists: they could be friends with a woman only if she is physically attracted him. If this situation occurs in frustration - as a result, loses interest, and with friendly ties can say goodbye.
5. Ryovna
Yes, yes, the friendship between the sexes, it is also possible. Your friend calls you for a thousand times a day, asked to report on how and with whom you spend your free evening ... How are you and your friend, a man may be jealous of your friends, girlfriends, lovers, and even her husband. Here the situation is similar to what happens in normal loving relationship. If jealousy becomes intolerable, goes some boundaries, it is worth considering whether you need a friend?
In my subjective opinion, friendship - is what happens between two people, regardless of gender, age, creed or color. Hetero friendship hrupche than usual. And if you found a real friend - a man, I'm truly envious. Appreciate and cherish these relations.
Chudo: «I believe that the friendship between a man and a woman there. But it is not eternal. There is, until one of them crossed the border. But there are friends (judging from personal experience) with which you are interested, a lot in common, there is mutual understanding and mutual support, but you are not physically attracted. And this mutual, I know that I do not like this man, and in principle can not be like, but it strikes me inner peace and a better friend than he had in my life there, and will not be! "
Reed to: "Who said that definitely should be something more? I, for instance, was my favorite girl, my treasure, and a girl - a friend, just a friend and nothing more, and it is cool, so that may be. Not everything in this world is based on sex. So I can say that love and friendship, things are very different in character and in the perception, saying that the friendship man, one who is not perceived as a sexual object. "
The debate on whether there is a friendship between a man and woman in general, have not ceased for a very long time. Someone says that it is and proves it by example, someone secondly, that the friendship between the sexes, and there can not be.
How many people - so much and opinions. But now is not about that. For example, the friendship between the sexes still exists. Unfortunately, save it for many years much more difficult than to destroy. "Kill" a friendship can be, making only one wrong step, yielding momentary desire or crossed some invisible line.
There are many reasons that can destroy the friendship between a man and a woman. Here are just a few of them.
1. Recognition in Letter
You know a thousand years, played together in the sandbox, went to kindergarten, were sitting at a desk .... Now you no longer 15, awkward age behind. The guy you are familiar with since childhood, becoming a man. You all also nice talking to, you can share with him everything in the world, talk about their love triumphs and defeats, complain "to the vest" and say, until the morning in the kitchen for a cup of coffee. You have him comfortable and quiet, he never asked for something more ... But one day, still sitting on the very same kitchen, he suddenly recognized you in love. Says so that in all the intercepts: that has long been in love with you, can not imagine my life without you and that wants to try to engage in closer relations. Such recognition can ruin the friendship once and for all. The same thing could happen in the reverse situation, when you fall in love with his childhood friend and tell him about his feelings.
2. "Friendly" Sex
Personally I have nothing but the phrase "friendly sex" causes confusion and irony. But quite often on the Internet or in glossy magazines found precisely such a notion. After drinking one day with a friend, you find yourself in one bed. When you wake up in the morning, this story does not look so cheerful as the previous evening. My head aches, mood is ruined, relationships - too. Not always carried out after a stormy night, you can restore what was before her.
3. Get married, or being in love with another man
When one of the "friends" married or married - the friendship may be interrupted. You may need just a little break. Perhaps it forever.
Not every woman will perceive the news that her husband is one female, with great enthusiasm, and positive emotions voob
A similar situation could arise if one of the two of you meet the man fell in love, wants to hold him all his spare time, etc. In this case, it will disappear from the horizon, the calls will respond briefly and reluctantly, your meetings will become less and less, and then, perhaps, cease Islands
4. Disappointment, loss of interests
A woman can be friends with a man only if he is really interested in her. As companion, mentor, assistant .... If the interest of communication disappears - dies, and friendship. With men this is the case a little different, assert psychologists: they could be friends with a woman only if she is physically attracted him. If this situation occurs in frustration - as a result, loses interest, and with friendly ties can say goodbye.
5. Ryovna
Yes, yes, the friendship between the sexes, it is also possible. Your friend calls you for a thousand times a day, asked to report on how and with whom you spend your free evening ... How are you and your friend, a man may be jealous of your friends, girlfriends, lovers, and even her husband. Here the situation is similar to what happens in normal loving relationship. If jealousy becomes intolerable, goes some boundaries, it is worth considering whether you need a friend?
In my subjective opinion, friendship - is what happens between two people, regardless of gender, age, creed or color. Hetero friendship hrupche than usual. And if you found a real friend - a man, I'm truly envious. Appreciate and cherish these relations.
Chudo: «I believe that the friendship between a man and a woman there. But it is not eternal. There is, until one of them crossed the border. But there are friends (judging from personal experience) with which you are interested, a lot in common, there is mutual understanding and mutual support, but you are not physically attracted. And this mutual, I know that I do not like this man, and in principle can not be like, but it strikes me inner peace and a better friend than he had in my life there, and will not be! "
Reed to: "Who said that definitely should be something more? I, for instance, was my favorite girl, my treasure, and a girl - a friend, just a friend and nothing more, and it is cool, so that may be. Not everything in this world is based on sex. So I can say that love and friendship, things are very different in character and in the perception, saying that the friendship man, one who is not perceived as a sexual object. "
"Oh sex, how many in that sound, to the heart of our blended ..."
There is much talk about him now, not in my opinion a man who does not know what it is ... Back in ancient times, not quite, everything was covered with a shroud secrecy, but those days are gone, how goes everything in our lives. Now came the other times, and now even children in kindergarten know what it is and how it happens. Times change, but the fact remains. Sex - is a spiritual and physical intimacy between two people, which can only be done with the full understanding and respect for each other. And sex, which happens if you want one and forcing another - is no longer a spiritual affinity, and the usual violence that now occur very often, almost every step. Now teens can sleep sometimes even without knowing their partner. For example, hitting on any outdoor party, you can observe how the influence of alcohol - this is happening, as if by itself. The guy spends all night with the girl, whom he met just hours ago, and then: If both are heavily intoxicated, nobody cares what will happen next. And then, as the saying is unwanted gifts in the form of pregnancy (60% of cases). And then that:? And then - an abortion in 30% of infertility. Sometimes it ends with AIDS. That so imperceptibly that the rope stretches, which in principle could not be, if all young people understand the true meaning of the word "sex".
Well enough to enumerate the bad side and collect all the bad things, even if true, turn to the main, lists errors that allow for sex.
Here you finally left alone, no one opposed to this, you will both burn with a desire to gradually move to the case:
What not to do than ever:
To tear off her clothes - often make a mistake: (let herself, or undress just better start kissing her while she was still dressed, gradually increasing her desire to get rid of clothes, give her the most to want. Turn the release of the clothing of the entire process, long sex scene, which in itself is a good tactic would not be long delayed, but it only happens if the girl likes it) ...
The rush, as if you five minutes to extinguish the fire cause: (correctly, if you get to the states rush for three seconds, it does not say anything about that and she does too. A girl and a "something" that you more Interestingly it does not always keep pace with your members, it responds to petting and kissing). Over than to rush things, if you simply do not have time and desire through the edge of the rod, a good decision, and this situation will be just what you should postpone this activity until better times, and not torturing either himself or the girl - wise. Of course you are not satisfied with this option, but it is true. "Hold on buddy, be strong my friend, and then somehow, you will be able to realize their dreams):
Do not pull the chest: (I do not think that if you do it badly, somebody likes it. When you are bottom, of course, want to grab as much as possible. And usually it turns out that you pull her breasts to him. For girls is not only painful, but besides making it the mother of the heroine with two inflated bags hanging from the chest. Yes, I do not argue that the breast - this is also erogenous zone, and when you touch her, the woman is excited, "NO" Think for yourself, if you start with the force of her pull, is that the pleasure, she's not milking a cow): That's it, so gradually I approach the most-himself.
Never have to require that the light was on, if a girl does not want this, then do not need to force - why inflame tensions when you're already so close: (yes, I forgot, you could this terrible humiliation, tk it will not see your dignity in all its glory, will not see every curve of your body, but it's worth to choose, or you will go on an assignment, or you screwed abruptly breaking off, as they say, the most interesting place. "absolute darkness to anything, but include night-light, you can: so the two of you will feel tolerably well. And while it is satisfied that its not blinding light and you, because she can see what you want):
If undress, then at least completely. (If today you decided to actually have sex with a girl, not a "perepihnutsya in haste," then be good to get undressed too late. If you think that good sex is enough to unbutton his fly, then here you are wrong. She did not want , ran his eyes over your figure, found in the completion of a couple of ridiculous socks. If and decided to undress, then at least completely):
Nevzdumay ask her this stupid question: "Yes, how are you?" Or "have already reached?": (How long can that for contempt, the girl can take time, but you every five minutes with this issue, the time will come, and she will tell you):
Do not even think to invent different positions, especially when you first with her: (talking like a girl, not like each stand in any position you dreamed up for it can be humiliating and painful. Especially when you first came up with it bed, she would feel embarrassed, it will not by itself, and you suddenly put it neponyat as long as you feel comfortable. The most important thing in sex - this respect):
Nevzdumay only caress the clitoris: (finally reaching the clitoris, you perceive it as a great lever, which immediately cut in her passion at full capacity. Zatseluy course, deliberately flattering and it all before you head for the most sensitive area. And when you get, be more careful . Be gentle and she will give you full):
Do not act like an animal: (you know, tell you a secret, African passion - is to the amateur. You be confident and calm at the same time, learn to behave in hands. Calm, unhurried sex - it is really what needs to be a girl. The girl on the nature creating a gentle, soft: And you'll tear it apart, well, as you imagine it?):
Nevzdumay slip away: (I said and I will always say, if you do not have time, then just put it off until later. After sex, the girl really needs you to be close. When he had finished, do not jump out of bed, otherwise she would feel unbearably lonely):
(!)... And do not forget to protect themselves, and then who knows maybe you parted again in a week, but here you have an issue suddenly crawls out out ...(!)
If some do not know what it is and what they are, then, as help and advice I'll tell a little about them.
Modern condoms are made mainly from natural latex (sap from the rubber tree Hevea), and sometimes, but a very small amount is made of genuine leather and natural membranes, because they are too expensive and often do not provide adequate protection. There are also of synthetic polymers, however, for they have not been able to achieve acceptable performance on the tensile strength and durability.
Also attending the classification by size, but here I am not very strong, and well I do not know all these nuances, all the same guys here more and more oriented, but still try to describe.
- Length of condoms should not be less than 170 mm. And the width should be equal to the width should be in the range of 44-56 mm. Often sold in Russia condoms, usually have a width of 52 mm. They are produced mainly in Malaysia, Indonesia, Korea, Vietnam, China, well there at all, and grows where the base material.
If you want a hundred per cent effect, you need to know how to use it, not everyone knows how to treat them properly, especially beginners.
The most simple - every time you use a new condom.
Open the packaging carefully to avoid damaging the condom.
Put the condom when the penis is in an excited state. Push the end of the condom with your fingers, put it on the head. Holding the end of the condom, Stretch it toward the base of the penis.
Immediately after use is desirable and necessary to remove it immediately.
Do not touch the condom or penis sheath, when the penis has been removed.
Also classified by type, but again, we enumerate the most common:
1. The quality of the product.
Smooth. Conventional condoms without any special structure.
Condoms, with different special dressing - ribs, bumps or a combination thereof.
2. For availability and quality of lubricant.
-No lubrication.
Plain-lubrication. The standard lubricant is usually used silicone oil or monopropilenglikol.
-Abundant (doubling the number of lubricants).
-Flavored grease. In the lubricant added flavor - the smell of perfume, fruit (apple, orange, banana, strawberry, etc.) or other.
-Spermicidal lubricant. In the lubricant added substance that kills sperm and reduces their mobility. This reduces the risk of accidental pregnancy, even if the condom broke.
-Grease, extended sexual intercourse (grease postpones ejaculation without compromising erection).
3. Other grounds.
-Increase in size.
-Thicker condoms.
-Luminous (glow in the dark).
- Samonadevayuschiesya (when minimized a condom with him rolled rubber band. To make enough to put on a condom to the glans penis and pull the ribbon).
Using a condom can significantly reduce the risk of infection by many bolezyami, prevent unwanted pregnancies.
And finally I say, very important thing.
Nothing ever, if you're alone, do not be shy. Never anyone not discuss his personal sex life (with the exception only for doctors) and never let anyone condemn their intimate life, even if you do something by accident it was announced. Intimate life of each - is the intimate life of each.
I have always believed and will believe that personal life is personal and not to posveschat it strangers. Here, for example, most young people talk about their amorous adventures of his friends, discussing this or that young lady. I think this is wrong and I think that I was right. Well, how well you can excuse the expression: "Well, if you slept, so as not to cry about it at every turn" - is also "personally." I personally watched as a painting, as the guy came home and met on the way home, his friends and told them that he first slept with a girl, and then they all began to congratulate him, and then go do it cause to celebrate. If you are the person lie down in bed, you must trust him completely, but as there confidence if you will completely sure about that tomorrow finds the whole city. I still hate the male point of view, that they no girl has no right to refuse. It is also idiotic. Here, for example, will examine young people aged 16 to 19. In that age is a terrible picture, if a girl refused guy, it it no longer fully communicate and circulate rumors about her that she was "whore." But otherwise, he is friends with her, until he needs it, but when on the horizon appears a different skirt, he immediately rushes to meet her, throwing her, so to speak favorite. But if you leave in good fails, it again spreads rumors about her that she was "a whore", and then offers it to his friends.
It is ironic, but true.
Well enough to enumerate the bad side and collect all the bad things, even if true, turn to the main, lists errors that allow for sex.
Here you finally left alone, no one opposed to this, you will both burn with a desire to gradually move to the case:
What not to do than ever:
To tear off her clothes - often make a mistake: (let herself, or undress just better start kissing her while she was still dressed, gradually increasing her desire to get rid of clothes, give her the most to want. Turn the release of the clothing of the entire process, long sex scene, which in itself is a good tactic would not be long delayed, but it only happens if the girl likes it) ...
The rush, as if you five minutes to extinguish the fire cause: (correctly, if you get to the states rush for three seconds, it does not say anything about that and she does too. A girl and a "something" that you more Interestingly it does not always keep pace with your members, it responds to petting and kissing). Over than to rush things, if you simply do not have time and desire through the edge of the rod, a good decision, and this situation will be just what you should postpone this activity until better times, and not torturing either himself or the girl - wise. Of course you are not satisfied with this option, but it is true. "Hold on buddy, be strong my friend, and then somehow, you will be able to realize their dreams):
Do not pull the chest: (I do not think that if you do it badly, somebody likes it. When you are bottom, of course, want to grab as much as possible. And usually it turns out that you pull her breasts to him. For girls is not only painful, but besides making it the mother of the heroine with two inflated bags hanging from the chest. Yes, I do not argue that the breast - this is also erogenous zone, and when you touch her, the woman is excited, "NO" Think for yourself, if you start with the force of her pull, is that the pleasure, she's not milking a cow): That's it, so gradually I approach the most-himself.
Never have to require that the light was on, if a girl does not want this, then do not need to force - why inflame tensions when you're already so close: (yes, I forgot, you could this terrible humiliation, tk it will not see your dignity in all its glory, will not see every curve of your body, but it's worth to choose, or you will go on an assignment, or you screwed abruptly breaking off, as they say, the most interesting place. "absolute darkness to anything, but include night-light, you can: so the two of you will feel tolerably well. And while it is satisfied that its not blinding light and you, because she can see what you want):
If undress, then at least completely. (If today you decided to actually have sex with a girl, not a "perepihnutsya in haste," then be good to get undressed too late. If you think that good sex is enough to unbutton his fly, then here you are wrong. She did not want , ran his eyes over your figure, found in the completion of a couple of ridiculous socks. If and decided to undress, then at least completely):
Nevzdumay ask her this stupid question: "Yes, how are you?" Or "have already reached?": (How long can that for contempt, the girl can take time, but you every five minutes with this issue, the time will come, and she will tell you):
Do not even think to invent different positions, especially when you first with her: (talking like a girl, not like each stand in any position you dreamed up for it can be humiliating and painful. Especially when you first came up with it bed, she would feel embarrassed, it will not by itself, and you suddenly put it neponyat as long as you feel comfortable. The most important thing in sex - this respect):
Nevzdumay only caress the clitoris: (finally reaching the clitoris, you perceive it as a great lever, which immediately cut in her passion at full capacity. Zatseluy course, deliberately flattering and it all before you head for the most sensitive area. And when you get, be more careful . Be gentle and she will give you full):
Do not act like an animal: (you know, tell you a secret, African passion - is to the amateur. You be confident and calm at the same time, learn to behave in hands. Calm, unhurried sex - it is really what needs to be a girl. The girl on the nature creating a gentle, soft: And you'll tear it apart, well, as you imagine it?):
Nevzdumay slip away: (I said and I will always say, if you do not have time, then just put it off until later. After sex, the girl really needs you to be close. When he had finished, do not jump out of bed, otherwise she would feel unbearably lonely):
(!)... And do not forget to protect themselves, and then who knows maybe you parted again in a week, but here you have an issue suddenly crawls out out ...(!)
If some do not know what it is and what they are, then, as help and advice I'll tell a little about them.
Modern condoms are made mainly from natural latex (sap from the rubber tree Hevea), and sometimes, but a very small amount is made of genuine leather and natural membranes, because they are too expensive and often do not provide adequate protection. There are also of synthetic polymers, however, for they have not been able to achieve acceptable performance on the tensile strength and durability.
Also attending the classification by size, but here I am not very strong, and well I do not know all these nuances, all the same guys here more and more oriented, but still try to describe.
- Length of condoms should not be less than 170 mm. And the width should be equal to the width should be in the range of 44-56 mm. Often sold in Russia condoms, usually have a width of 52 mm. They are produced mainly in Malaysia, Indonesia, Korea, Vietnam, China, well there at all, and grows where the base material.
If you want a hundred per cent effect, you need to know how to use it, not everyone knows how to treat them properly, especially beginners.
The most simple - every time you use a new condom.
Open the packaging carefully to avoid damaging the condom.
Put the condom when the penis is in an excited state. Push the end of the condom with your fingers, put it on the head. Holding the end of the condom, Stretch it toward the base of the penis.
Immediately after use is desirable and necessary to remove it immediately.
Do not touch the condom or penis sheath, when the penis has been removed.
Also classified by type, but again, we enumerate the most common:
1. The quality of the product.
Smooth. Conventional condoms without any special structure.
Condoms, with different special dressing - ribs, bumps or a combination thereof.
2. For availability and quality of lubricant.
-No lubrication.
Plain-lubrication. The standard lubricant is usually used silicone oil or monopropilenglikol.
-Abundant (doubling the number of lubricants).
-Flavored grease. In the lubricant added flavor - the smell of perfume, fruit (apple, orange, banana, strawberry, etc.) or other.
-Spermicidal lubricant. In the lubricant added substance that kills sperm and reduces their mobility. This reduces the risk of accidental pregnancy, even if the condom broke.
-Grease, extended sexual intercourse (grease postpones ejaculation without compromising erection).
3. Other grounds.
-Increase in size.
-Thicker condoms.
-Luminous (glow in the dark).
- Samonadevayuschiesya (when minimized a condom with him rolled rubber band. To make enough to put on a condom to the glans penis and pull the ribbon).
Using a condom can significantly reduce the risk of infection by many bolezyami, prevent unwanted pregnancies.
And finally I say, very important thing.
Nothing ever, if you're alone, do not be shy. Never anyone not discuss his personal sex life (with the exception only for doctors) and never let anyone condemn their intimate life, even if you do something by accident it was announced. Intimate life of each - is the intimate life of each.
I have always believed and will believe that personal life is personal and not to posveschat it strangers. Here, for example, most young people talk about their amorous adventures of his friends, discussing this or that young lady. I think this is wrong and I think that I was right. Well, how well you can excuse the expression: "Well, if you slept, so as not to cry about it at every turn" - is also "personally." I personally watched as a painting, as the guy came home and met on the way home, his friends and told them that he first slept with a girl, and then they all began to congratulate him, and then go do it cause to celebrate. If you are the person lie down in bed, you must trust him completely, but as there confidence if you will completely sure about that tomorrow finds the whole city. I still hate the male point of view, that they no girl has no right to refuse. It is also idiotic. Here, for example, will examine young people aged 16 to 19. In that age is a terrible picture, if a girl refused guy, it it no longer fully communicate and circulate rumors about her that she was "whore." But otherwise, he is friends with her, until he needs it, but when on the horizon appears a different skirt, he immediately rushes to meet her, throwing her, so to speak favorite. But if you leave in good fails, it again spreads rumors about her that she was "a whore", and then offers it to his friends.
It is ironic, but true.
Female Sexuality
What we know about female sexuality?
According to the well-known feminist writer Shire Hite, medicines and pills will not add women and sexuality were not allowed to fully enjoy sexual life, despite the assurances of doctors.
His attitude to the problem of female sexual dysfunction Haight expressed in the British Medical Journal, which drew a parallel between the sexual problems of women and the development of new drugs for their detection and treatment. The more drugs come to market, the more, according to Chait, there is a problem in women.
"The pharmacological industry is guilty not only of his cynical attitude towards women's issues, which is making a lot of money, but being unwilling to understand the nature and mechanism of female sexuality" - Shire Chait wrote in the journal New Scientist.
According to Haight, to address the problem of female sexual dysfunction requires no medications, and a detailed study of the relationship between a man and a woman!
According to the results of research Shire Hite, during masturbation, most women can achieve orgasm and to obtain sexual satisfaction, and only 2% of women need to vaginal penetration to achieve orgasm.
Women are not difficult to achieve orgasm, says Chait, and they know how to do it. One of the problems of female sexual dysfunction - is to overcome themselves and the ability to talk openly and honestly about their sexual desires with a partner. A well-advertised pills that increase female libido, not able to make a woman happy and teach her to enjoy sexual life.
According to the well-known feminist writer Shire Hite, medicines and pills will not add women and sexuality were not allowed to fully enjoy sexual life, despite the assurances of doctors.
His attitude to the problem of female sexual dysfunction Haight expressed in the British Medical Journal, which drew a parallel between the sexual problems of women and the development of new drugs for their detection and treatment. The more drugs come to market, the more, according to Chait, there is a problem in women.
"The pharmacological industry is guilty not only of his cynical attitude towards women's issues, which is making a lot of money, but being unwilling to understand the nature and mechanism of female sexuality" - Shire Chait wrote in the journal New Scientist.
According to Haight, to address the problem of female sexual dysfunction requires no medications, and a detailed study of the relationship between a man and a woman!
According to the results of research Shire Hite, during masturbation, most women can achieve orgasm and to obtain sexual satisfaction, and only 2% of women need to vaginal penetration to achieve orgasm.
Women are not difficult to achieve orgasm, says Chait, and they know how to do it. One of the problems of female sexual dysfunction - is to overcome themselves and the ability to talk openly and honestly about their sexual desires with a partner. A well-advertised pills that increase female libido, not able to make a woman happy and teach her to enjoy sexual life.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
World Health
According to the World Health Organization, about 35% of men developed marked symptoms associated with diseases such as prostatitis. Prostatitis, especially chronic, is considered one of the most common inflammatory processes of urogenital organs.
Prostatitis - is inflammation in the prostate. Acute inflammatory process may move very quickly in the chronic.
Chronic prostatitis - inflammation in the prostate gland, which adopted the running form. After some time, changes in the tissues of the prostate gland becomes irreversible. Nevertheless, chronic prostatitis did not necessarily lead to impotence. If in time to see a specialist, chronic prostatitis will disturb the patient only at times of exacerbation. Exacerbations of chronic prostatitis occur quite frequently, and to have enough light hypothermia or cold. Patients with chronic prostatitis will be treated very, very long time.
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It is important to remember that even acute prostatitis is relatively easily treatable in the early stages of the disease. The main symptoms of prostatitis will be pain, deterioration of erection. After 7-14 days the pain will come and latent phase of the disease. But it then goes prostatitis and the chronic form.
Prostatitis - is inflammation in the prostate. Acute inflammatory process may move very quickly in the chronic.
Chronic prostatitis - inflammation in the prostate gland, which adopted the running form. After some time, changes in the tissues of the prostate gland becomes irreversible. Nevertheless, chronic prostatitis did not necessarily lead to impotence. If in time to see a specialist, chronic prostatitis will disturb the patient only at times of exacerbation. Exacerbations of chronic prostatitis occur quite frequently, and to have enough light hypothermia or cold. Patients with chronic prostatitis will be treated very, very long time.
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It is important to remember that even acute prostatitis is relatively easily treatable in the early stages of the disease. The main symptoms of prostatitis will be pain, deterioration of erection. After 7-14 days the pain will come and latent phase of the disease. But it then goes prostatitis and the chronic form.
Friday, September 18, 2009
When worrying about forgetfulness?
Your mom just promised to cook rice for dinner, and she put in boiling water buckwheat? Father confusing road signs and is afraid to drive?
Sometimes these oddities can be explained by the expense of poor eyesight, but some people could ask the question: "Is this not a symptom of Alzheimer's disease?"
We dementia (dementia) can be recognized in the early stages. Although from the disease are no drugs or surgery, timely diagnosis is very important to improve the quality of life.
How to distinguish between normal forgetfulness from dementia?
If you forget someone's name or where to put the keys - this is not a sign of illness. Concerns should arise when such episodes occur frequently and focus on more important things.
Symptom of dementia, cognitive impairment are different: in addition to problems with memory, there may be a depletion of speech, lack of critical thinking, as well as:
* Recurrence of the same issue.
* The loss of orientation in familiar places.
* Failure to follow a given direction.
* Disorientation in time, space and people.
* Neglect of personal safety, hygiene and nutrition.
Changes in behavior and personality are sometimes accompanied by loss of memory. If you have any problems with remembering, do not expect deterioration. Talk to your doctor.
What causes dementia?
The most common cause of dementia - Alzheimer's disease, accompanied by accumulation of toxic substances amyloid in the brain. But can lead to dementia and other diseases, like Alzheimer's, but otherwise the proceeding or to a specific set of features.
In vascular dementia high blood pressure causes few mikroinsultov affecting the area of the brain responsible for memory and behavior. This form of dementia begins more suddenly, as compared with Alzheimer's disease. The patient's condition stabilized a bit, and then worsened after the next stroke. Alzheimer's disease, by contrast, is progressing slowly (sometimes for 8-10 years).
Dementia with Lewy bodies is due to the fact that brain cells accumulate protein, which under a microscope looks like a round red inclusions (Lewy bodies). In Alzheimer's disease Lewy bodies also accumulate in the brain, but in its other divisions. Alzheimer's disease, which runs with an average weight, may cause a one-time hallucinations. In dementia with Lewy bodies recurring hallucination, marked impairment of consciousness, distracted attention. These signs are very important for correct diagnosis.
The importance of early diagnosis
Early diagnosis often helps to significantly affect the outcome of treatment. According to statistics, in 5-10% of cases of memory impairment are treatable (eg, when their cause is thyroid dysfunction, depression, malnutrition).
Alzheimer's disease - an irreversible degenerative process, which can only slightly slow. Some patients require treatment helps cholinesterase inhibitors, but these drugs are effective only for a short time and always at an early stage of disease (which is why early diagnosis is so important).
Another drug used to treat moderate to severe forms of Alzheimer's disease - memantine. It blocks the action of glutamate - a substance that negatively impact on the processes of remembering and thinking. Possible side effects from the use of the drug - dizziness and confusion. Take it must be under the supervision of a physician.
Diagnosis of vascular dementia in the early stages of the disease allows time to take control of arterial blood pressure, prevent mikroinsulty and further cognitive decline. Hallucinations in dementia with Lewy bodies are treatable, but in this case is very important early diagnosis of the disease.
If diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease "is placed at an early stage, the patient has time to finish the case, make important orders, and sometimes to realize some long-standing dream.
What to tell the doctor?
* About all mental disorders: It is important to mention not only about the failures in the memory, but also about changes in behavior, fatigue, distractions, problems in communication.
* About all taken drugs. You should tell your doctor about all your medications, vitamins and food supplements. Bring the instructions for the drugs.
* On all the symptoms of the disease. Spirit and body are interrelated. Tell your doctor about what's bothering you, from top to toe. All may be relevant: increase (even slight) temperature, weight loss, decreased appetite, etc. Name previously deferred disease, bring with them a medical card.
Rx Maryland
Sometimes these oddities can be explained by the expense of poor eyesight, but some people could ask the question: "Is this not a symptom of Alzheimer's disease?"
We dementia (dementia) can be recognized in the early stages. Although from the disease are no drugs or surgery, timely diagnosis is very important to improve the quality of life.
How to distinguish between normal forgetfulness from dementia?
If you forget someone's name or where to put the keys - this is not a sign of illness. Concerns should arise when such episodes occur frequently and focus on more important things.
Symptom of dementia, cognitive impairment are different: in addition to problems with memory, there may be a depletion of speech, lack of critical thinking, as well as:
* Recurrence of the same issue.
* The loss of orientation in familiar places.
* Failure to follow a given direction.
* Disorientation in time, space and people.
* Neglect of personal safety, hygiene and nutrition.
Changes in behavior and personality are sometimes accompanied by loss of memory. If you have any problems with remembering, do not expect deterioration. Talk to your doctor.
What causes dementia?
The most common cause of dementia - Alzheimer's disease, accompanied by accumulation of toxic substances amyloid in the brain. But can lead to dementia and other diseases, like Alzheimer's, but otherwise the proceeding or to a specific set of features.
In vascular dementia high blood pressure causes few mikroinsultov affecting the area of the brain responsible for memory and behavior. This form of dementia begins more suddenly, as compared with Alzheimer's disease. The patient's condition stabilized a bit, and then worsened after the next stroke. Alzheimer's disease, by contrast, is progressing slowly (sometimes for 8-10 years).
Dementia with Lewy bodies is due to the fact that brain cells accumulate protein, which under a microscope looks like a round red inclusions (Lewy bodies). In Alzheimer's disease Lewy bodies also accumulate in the brain, but in its other divisions. Alzheimer's disease, which runs with an average weight, may cause a one-time hallucinations. In dementia with Lewy bodies recurring hallucination, marked impairment of consciousness, distracted attention. These signs are very important for correct diagnosis.
The importance of early diagnosis
Early diagnosis often helps to significantly affect the outcome of treatment. According to statistics, in 5-10% of cases of memory impairment are treatable (eg, when their cause is thyroid dysfunction, depression, malnutrition).
Alzheimer's disease - an irreversible degenerative process, which can only slightly slow. Some patients require treatment helps cholinesterase inhibitors, but these drugs are effective only for a short time and always at an early stage of disease (which is why early diagnosis is so important).
Another drug used to treat moderate to severe forms of Alzheimer's disease - memantine. It blocks the action of glutamate - a substance that negatively impact on the processes of remembering and thinking. Possible side effects from the use of the drug - dizziness and confusion. Take it must be under the supervision of a physician.
Diagnosis of vascular dementia in the early stages of the disease allows time to take control of arterial blood pressure, prevent mikroinsulty and further cognitive decline. Hallucinations in dementia with Lewy bodies are treatable, but in this case is very important early diagnosis of the disease.
If diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease "is placed at an early stage, the patient has time to finish the case, make important orders, and sometimes to realize some long-standing dream.
What to tell the doctor?
* About all mental disorders: It is important to mention not only about the failures in the memory, but also about changes in behavior, fatigue, distractions, problems in communication.
* About all taken drugs. You should tell your doctor about all your medications, vitamins and food supplements. Bring the instructions for the drugs.
* On all the symptoms of the disease. Spirit and body are interrelated. Tell your doctor about what's bothering you, from top to toe. All may be relevant: increase (even slight) temperature, weight loss, decreased appetite, etc. Name previously deferred disease, bring with them a medical card.
Rx Maryland
How to improve the sense of balance
To maintain balance and not fall, go to measurably. An inactive lifestyle, at first glance, it seems the surest way to once again not to fall, but in fact the lack of training only exacerbates the problem. Meanwhile, there are many ways to improve the sense of balance. Correct posture, strong muscles, good coordination of movements, as well as vision and hearing will help you improve your sense of balance and move freely without assistance.
Move more
Movement - is life. If your muscles and joints do not get a regular load, with age they are becoming weaker, and this increases the risk of problems with a sense of balance. The more you strengthen your body, the more chances you have to walk without assistance. Physical activity strengthens muscles, improves posture, coordination and balance. However, before increasing the load, be sure to consult a doctor.
* Posture. Age affects the way you sit and stand, and changes in posture affect the sense of balance. Improve posture will help you a simple exercise: Try again in a few minutes to stand on one leg, holding onto a stable chair, then switch legs and repeat.
* Muscle strength. Exercises to develop muscle strength will help you get back on track, if you started having problems with balance. Your doctor will tell you how to draw up individual training programs. Lack of physical activity weakens the muscles. Exercise can help maintain muscle tone and strength, as well as develop flexibility, which is also an important component of a sense of balance.
* Coordination of movements. With age, you are less in control of his posture, movement and body position in space. This can lead to fractures, dislocations and stretching. Correct posture and regular exercise, including yoga and gymnastics, tai chi can help you maintain the coordination of movements.
Check vision and hearing
With age, eyesight and hearing are weakening, and this may also adversely affect the sense of balance.
Vision. If you clearly see the surroundings, it will move uncertainly. You should visit an ophthalmologist to check the sight and pick up points. Older people spread diseases such as cataract and glaucoma, which significantly reduces the visual acuity.
Hearing. Even a slight hearing loss can affect balance. Therefore, regularly visit the otolaryngologist, who if necessary will you care.
Additional tips
* Check your medications. Some drugs can be side effects that cause the deterioration of a sense of balance. Consult your doctor or pharmacist.
* Get up carefully, if you were sitting or lying down. The dramatic change in position could lead to a drop in blood pressure and imbalance.
* Maintain order in the house:
o Install good lighting
o Do not leave a mess on the floor.
o Make sure that the edges of carpets and rugs tight to the floor.
* Wear shoes without heels and rubber soles. Not walk barefoot or in stocking feet.
* To maintain a balance, use a cane.
There are many things which we have no control, but a sense of balance not one of them. Do not let problems with the balance to make you a prisoner in his own house. Try to improve your sense of balance and your life.
Rx Colorado
Move more
Movement - is life. If your muscles and joints do not get a regular load, with age they are becoming weaker, and this increases the risk of problems with a sense of balance. The more you strengthen your body, the more chances you have to walk without assistance. Physical activity strengthens muscles, improves posture, coordination and balance. However, before increasing the load, be sure to consult a doctor.
* Posture. Age affects the way you sit and stand, and changes in posture affect the sense of balance. Improve posture will help you a simple exercise: Try again in a few minutes to stand on one leg, holding onto a stable chair, then switch legs and repeat.
* Muscle strength. Exercises to develop muscle strength will help you get back on track, if you started having problems with balance. Your doctor will tell you how to draw up individual training programs. Lack of physical activity weakens the muscles. Exercise can help maintain muscle tone and strength, as well as develop flexibility, which is also an important component of a sense of balance.
* Coordination of movements. With age, you are less in control of his posture, movement and body position in space. This can lead to fractures, dislocations and stretching. Correct posture and regular exercise, including yoga and gymnastics, tai chi can help you maintain the coordination of movements.
Check vision and hearing
With age, eyesight and hearing are weakening, and this may also adversely affect the sense of balance.
Vision. If you clearly see the surroundings, it will move uncertainly. You should visit an ophthalmologist to check the sight and pick up points. Older people spread diseases such as cataract and glaucoma, which significantly reduces the visual acuity.
Hearing. Even a slight hearing loss can affect balance. Therefore, regularly visit the otolaryngologist, who if necessary will you care.
Additional tips
* Check your medications. Some drugs can be side effects that cause the deterioration of a sense of balance. Consult your doctor or pharmacist.
* Get up carefully, if you were sitting or lying down. The dramatic change in position could lead to a drop in blood pressure and imbalance.
* Maintain order in the house:
o Install good lighting
o Do not leave a mess on the floor.
o Make sure that the edges of carpets and rugs tight to the floor.
* Wear shoes without heels and rubber soles. Not walk barefoot or in stocking feet.
* To maintain a balance, use a cane.
There are many things which we have no control, but a sense of balance not one of them. Do not let problems with the balance to make you a prisoner in his own house. Try to improve your sense of balance and your life.
Rx Colorado
How to avoid falls and fractures?
In old age, the likelihood of falling and getting injured is much higher. Especially in women during menopause. Typically, at this age, deteriorating eyesight, weakened muscles, and sometimes have to take drugs that violate the coordination of movements. In addition, women often develop osteoporosis - a disease in which bones gradually become more fragile.
During menopause, estrogen content decreases, which leads to a rapid decrease in bone density. Many older women are unaware that they have osteoporosis. To diagnose the disease and to identify the risk of fractures using densitometry - a method study allows to determine bone density. Based on these results are accepted therapeutic and preventive measures.
How can I prevent osteoporosis?
Previously it was thought that osteoporosis can be prevented by increasing calcium intake. Deficiency of this trace element accelerates bone loss, but its large consumption does not always contribute to the strengthening of bones. Upgrading of bone tissue requires the presence of vitamin D, calcium absorption улучшающего. Osteoporosis develops when bone destruction is faster to update.
Vitamin D is needed to prevent hip fracture in postmenopausal women. According to studies, intake of this vitamin reduces the chance of serious injury. Only in the U.S. each year 250 000 cases of hip fracture in elderly people.
Treatment of osteoporosis - the best prevention of fractures
There are drugs to treat osteoporosis, help, in particular, to prevent vertebral fractures. For example, raloxifene increases bone density not only in the hip joint, but also in the spine. This drug significantly reduces the frequency of vertebral fractures in women with osteoporosis, but has side effects, including hot flashes and cramps of the lower extremities.
Clinical studies have shown that raloxifene reduces the degeneration of bone tissue and the likelihood of vertebral fractures by 35-50%.
In addition, for the treatment of osteoporosis treatment, containing bisphosphonates, calcitonin, estrogens and teriparatid.
How to reduce falls at home
For many older people, even their own house conceals many dangers. By the fall could spread out all over the mats, runners, rugs, dog-eared carpets, electrical cords, slippery floors and steps. According to statistics, most accidents involving elderly people is due to improper flooring in the living room, bedroom, bathroom and hallway.
The most dangerous room - bathroom with conventional surfaces (slippery tub or shower without roughness and slip mats) and a toilet with a loose, or too low a seat, from which the elderly person is difficult to get up.
The next high-risk spots - stairs, especially poorly lit, with no railing and with uneven steps.
In third place in this sad list - kitchen with poor lighting, shaky stools and cabinets, which have to stretch or bend low.
Prevention of falls
Prevention of falls - the main measure to avoid severe consequences of osteoporosis. Brittle bone grows together a long time, so even a minor injury takes a long time an elderly person down. Here are some tips to prevent falls:
· Follow the security of the surrounding space.
· Be careful when walking on the carpet, looking at his feet, so as not to stumble and not catch the cord. Install handrails on stairways and in the bathroom.
· Bed on the ladder slip coating. Do not cover floor wax and immediately wipe off spills. Not tyanites to high the regiment. Use the ladder with handrails.
· Do physical exercises that strengthen muscles and develop a sense of balance (yoga, Chinese gymnastics tai chi).
Within a few weeks after classes begin tai chi in the elderly by almost 50% improved coordination of movements and reduces the risk of falls. Before class, consult with your doctor.
How to protect yourself when falling?
The best way - to learn how to fall: at the right time to include their reflexes and effectively grouped. The risk of fracture of the spine or femoral neck will be lower if you manage to land on the hands or at the time of the fall for something to grab. The damage from a broken wrist or hand is considerably less. If still you broke the neck of the femur, for the full return of mobility is necessary to pass a timely rehabilitation.
Effect of drugs
Ask your doctor or pharmacist about the side effects of your medications. Some medications cause dizziness, blurred vision and poor coordination of movements.
Properly dress
To ensure good adhesion, wear low-heeled shoes with rubber soles. Shoes with leather soles and high heels for you now banned. It is better to choose clothing that protects the hand and thigh in a fall.
Limit alcohol
Alcohol not only impairs the coordination of movements, but also to prevent recovery of bone tissue. His method also increases the risk of falls and fractures.
Movement - life: learning to keep my balance while walking
To maintain balance while walking, you can not hurry. It would seem that a sedentary lifestyle solves the problem, but in fact it only exacerbates it. Equilibrium provide many factors: correct posture, strong muscles, good coordination of movements, vision and hearing. Below are simple ways to develop these abilities. Adhering to these rules, you will learn how to maintain balance and can lead an active lifestyle.
Move more
Movement is necessary. Without regular load the muscles and joints weaken, which causes difficulty in retaining the balance. The stronger the human body, the greater his chances of a healthy normal life in old age. Exercise strengthens muscles, improves posture, coordination and stability. As always, before increasing the load, should consult a doctor.
* Posture. Over the years, people began to sit and stand differently than in his youth. Changes in posture leads to a deterioration in the ability to keep balance. Improve posture will help elementary exercises. Based on the stable chair, turn stand first on one leg, then on the other.
* Development of muscles. Strong muscles of the torso and the legs will help you quickly regain the ability to keep balance. Strength training selected individually (preferably with the participation of the doctor). Lack of physical activity weakens the muscles. Exercises return of the lost tone and flexibility - yet another important condition for the development of a sense of balance.
* Coordination of movements. With age, a man ceases to control posture, movement and body position in space. This can lead to dislocation and tension in the fall. Correct posture and regular exercise prevent this. Develop coordination of movements also help to yoga and tai-chi.
Check vision and hearing
With age, eyesight and hearing are weakening. It can also lead to loss of equilibrium.
* Vision. Impaired vision sometimes becomes the cause of falls. Selection of the correct glasses and timely diagnosis of eye diseases (glaucoma, cataracts) significantly improve the ability to see. Therefore, regularly visit the ophthalmologist.
* Hearing. Even small changes can lead to hearing loss downfall. Regularly visit otolaryngologist and if necessary, use a hearing aid.
Additional tips
To maintain balance while walking can do the following:
* Get up from his chair and out of bed slowly. This will help prevent drops in blood pressure, which cause an imbalance.
* Properly organize the space around them:
o All rooms should be well lit.
o Timely forget to remove foreign objects from the floor.
o Nail or glue the edge of rugs and carpets to the floor.
* Wear flat shoes with a wide nose and a rubber sole. Not walk barefoot or in stocking feet.
* To improve balance, use a cane.
With many age-related changes little can be done, but the ability to keep a balance - not one of them. Becoming a recluse is not necessary. It is better to take care of security while walking, that is, their health and, ultimately, life.
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During menopause, estrogen content decreases, which leads to a rapid decrease in bone density. Many older women are unaware that they have osteoporosis. To diagnose the disease and to identify the risk of fractures using densitometry - a method study allows to determine bone density. Based on these results are accepted therapeutic and preventive measures.
How can I prevent osteoporosis?
Previously it was thought that osteoporosis can be prevented by increasing calcium intake. Deficiency of this trace element accelerates bone loss, but its large consumption does not always contribute to the strengthening of bones. Upgrading of bone tissue requires the presence of vitamin D, calcium absorption улучшающего. Osteoporosis develops when bone destruction is faster to update.
Vitamin D is needed to prevent hip fracture in postmenopausal women. According to studies, intake of this vitamin reduces the chance of serious injury. Only in the U.S. each year 250 000 cases of hip fracture in elderly people.
Treatment of osteoporosis - the best prevention of fractures
There are drugs to treat osteoporosis, help, in particular, to prevent vertebral fractures. For example, raloxifene increases bone density not only in the hip joint, but also in the spine. This drug significantly reduces the frequency of vertebral fractures in women with osteoporosis, but has side effects, including hot flashes and cramps of the lower extremities.
Clinical studies have shown that raloxifene reduces the degeneration of bone tissue and the likelihood of vertebral fractures by 35-50%.
In addition, for the treatment of osteoporosis treatment, containing bisphosphonates, calcitonin, estrogens and teriparatid.
How to reduce falls at home
For many older people, even their own house conceals many dangers. By the fall could spread out all over the mats, runners, rugs, dog-eared carpets, electrical cords, slippery floors and steps. According to statistics, most accidents involving elderly people is due to improper flooring in the living room, bedroom, bathroom and hallway.
The most dangerous room - bathroom with conventional surfaces (slippery tub or shower without roughness and slip mats) and a toilet with a loose, or too low a seat, from which the elderly person is difficult to get up.
The next high-risk spots - stairs, especially poorly lit, with no railing and with uneven steps.
In third place in this sad list - kitchen with poor lighting, shaky stools and cabinets, which have to stretch or bend low.
Prevention of falls
Prevention of falls - the main measure to avoid severe consequences of osteoporosis. Brittle bone grows together a long time, so even a minor injury takes a long time an elderly person down. Here are some tips to prevent falls:
· Follow the security of the surrounding space.
· Be careful when walking on the carpet, looking at his feet, so as not to stumble and not catch the cord. Install handrails on stairways and in the bathroom.
· Bed on the ladder slip coating. Do not cover floor wax and immediately wipe off spills. Not tyanites to high the regiment. Use the ladder with handrails.
· Do physical exercises that strengthen muscles and develop a sense of balance (yoga, Chinese gymnastics tai chi).
Within a few weeks after classes begin tai chi in the elderly by almost 50% improved coordination of movements and reduces the risk of falls. Before class, consult with your doctor.
How to protect yourself when falling?
The best way - to learn how to fall: at the right time to include their reflexes and effectively grouped. The risk of fracture of the spine or femoral neck will be lower if you manage to land on the hands or at the time of the fall for something to grab. The damage from a broken wrist or hand is considerably less. If still you broke the neck of the femur, for the full return of mobility is necessary to pass a timely rehabilitation.
Effect of drugs
Ask your doctor or pharmacist about the side effects of your medications. Some medications cause dizziness, blurred vision and poor coordination of movements.
Properly dress
To ensure good adhesion, wear low-heeled shoes with rubber soles. Shoes with leather soles and high heels for you now banned. It is better to choose clothing that protects the hand and thigh in a fall.
Limit alcohol
Alcohol not only impairs the coordination of movements, but also to prevent recovery of bone tissue. His method also increases the risk of falls and fractures.
Movement - life: learning to keep my balance while walking
To maintain balance while walking, you can not hurry. It would seem that a sedentary lifestyle solves the problem, but in fact it only exacerbates it. Equilibrium provide many factors: correct posture, strong muscles, good coordination of movements, vision and hearing. Below are simple ways to develop these abilities. Adhering to these rules, you will learn how to maintain balance and can lead an active lifestyle.
Move more
Movement is necessary. Without regular load the muscles and joints weaken, which causes difficulty in retaining the balance. The stronger the human body, the greater his chances of a healthy normal life in old age. Exercise strengthens muscles, improves posture, coordination and stability. As always, before increasing the load, should consult a doctor.
* Posture. Over the years, people began to sit and stand differently than in his youth. Changes in posture leads to a deterioration in the ability to keep balance. Improve posture will help elementary exercises. Based on the stable chair, turn stand first on one leg, then on the other.
* Development of muscles. Strong muscles of the torso and the legs will help you quickly regain the ability to keep balance. Strength training selected individually (preferably with the participation of the doctor). Lack of physical activity weakens the muscles. Exercises return of the lost tone and flexibility - yet another important condition for the development of a sense of balance.
* Coordination of movements. With age, a man ceases to control posture, movement and body position in space. This can lead to dislocation and tension in the fall. Correct posture and regular exercise prevent this. Develop coordination of movements also help to yoga and tai-chi.
Check vision and hearing
With age, eyesight and hearing are weakening. It can also lead to loss of equilibrium.
* Vision. Impaired vision sometimes becomes the cause of falls. Selection of the correct glasses and timely diagnosis of eye diseases (glaucoma, cataracts) significantly improve the ability to see. Therefore, regularly visit the ophthalmologist.
* Hearing. Even small changes can lead to hearing loss downfall. Regularly visit otolaryngologist and if necessary, use a hearing aid.
Additional tips
To maintain balance while walking can do the following:
* Get up from his chair and out of bed slowly. This will help prevent drops in blood pressure, which cause an imbalance.
* Properly organize the space around them:
o All rooms should be well lit.
o Timely forget to remove foreign objects from the floor.
o Nail or glue the edge of rugs and carpets to the floor.
* Wear flat shoes with a wide nose and a rubber sole. Not walk barefoot or in stocking feet.
* To improve balance, use a cane.
With many age-related changes little can be done, but the ability to keep a balance - not one of them. Becoming a recluse is not necessary. It is better to take care of security while walking, that is, their health and, ultimately, life.
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