Saturday, October 31, 2009

World Health

According to the World Health Organization, about 35% of men developed marked symptoms associated with diseases such as prostatitis. Prostatitis, especially chronic, is considered one of the most common inflammatory processes of urogenital organs.

Prostatitis - is inflammation in the prostate. Acute inflammatory process may move very quickly in the chronic.

Chronic prostatitis - inflammation in the prostate gland, which adopted the running form. After some time, changes in the tissues of the prostate gland becomes irreversible. Nevertheless, chronic prostatitis did not necessarily lead to impotence. If in time to see a specialist, chronic prostatitis will disturb the patient only at times of exacerbation. Exacerbations of chronic prostatitis occur quite frequently, and to have enough light hypothermia or cold. Patients with chronic prostatitis will be treated very, very long time.
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It is important to remember that even acute prostatitis is relatively easily treatable in the early stages of the disease. The main symptoms of prostatitis will be pain, deterioration of erection. After 7-14 days the pain will come and latent phase of the disease. But it then goes prostatitis and the chronic form.

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