Sunday, June 6, 2010

Anorexia nervosa

A student 19 years old, is already on the appearance of which, one could say that she suffers a significant loss in weight, asked me for a consultation, declared from the doorway: "I have anorexia!" All her appearance was so remarkable: pale, sallow shade, in the "spider" vessels of the skin, eyes Cheap Levitra Drug sunken, extinct, like a missed first trimester of horror view - that in itself is already caught the eye. The world around us, she met a serious and unfriendly. All her movements were slow, and gestures sparingly. I had the impression that she tried to keep calm and at a distance, trying to hide their inner feelings.

Anorexia nervosa, according to the International Classification of Diseases, frequent eating disorder characterized by significant loss of body weight due to the refusal of food.

This condition occurs predominantly in young women (15-25 years vozr..), And takes the form samovyzyvaemoy loss of body weight. For people suffering from anorexia nervosa, characterized by an Levitra Dosage extremely strong desire to be thin. They experience intense fear of obesity. The idea that "I am fat", even though everyone around her feel bad - is a major feature of anorexia nervosa distinguishes it from all other possible causes of loss of appetite and weight loss. Most patients with anorexia nervosa hide their pathological form of food, examining and taking medication (usually initiated by family Levitra Vs Viagra members) on the somatic complaints (eg, due to diarrhea, metabolic disorders or menstrual cycle).

The course of anorexia is divided into the following stages:

Phase 1 - dismorfofobicheskaya - begins with the emergence of ideas about obesity and fear of ridicule on the subject. There is a feeling that others consider them critically, after seeing off mocking glances, reduced mood. There is a systematic weighing, the rejection of high-calorie foods. The appetite remains, and after periods of starvation even higher. Unable to cope with hunger, some eat at night.

The 2-nd stage - dismorfomanicheskaya - often manifested in the belief in the "excessive fullness" of his figures or parts. Patients are often looking at myself in the mirror and complain about their complete surroundings. Depressive feelings are reduced, there are attempts to correct "excessive fullness." They hide from others that refuse to eat. Pretend to eat all the food, in fact quietly shifted her or hide. Just try not to eat in the Levitra Sample presence of people who drink a lot of fluid, vomit after eating, (which brings the physiological sense of relief and pleasure) make an enema to clear the alleged excess body weight. Patients developing medication dependence: they take the money, lowering appetite drugs thyroid stimulating metabolism, diuretics and a lot of laxatives.

Third stage - kahekticheskaya. Appetite disappears as the result caused by constant vomiting, which can occur, and reflexively, immediately after a meal, reduces the acidity of gastric juice and are obschedistroficheskie violations. There is an aversion to food. By this time, patients Free Levitra lose up to half of its weight, but continue to perceive themselves still too full. Disappears subcutaneous fat, muscles become thinner, the skin becomes dry, peeling, are affected by caries and teeth fall out, hair, broken fingernails. Monthly disappear, lowered the pressure and temperature. There is a degeneration of the myocardium and slow pulse, anacid gastritis, intestinal prolapse of internal organs. In some cases, patients begin to actively screened by various specialists, exaggerating the severity of somatic disorders and avoiding mental health counseling.

Let's talk about the psychological causes of anorexia nervosa. Turn on any television channel or go to a popular magazine. Everywhere body image, especially semi-nude female body. People manipulate its parts and tissues - organs, blood cells, genes. There is an entire field of plastic surgery, cosmetology, dietetics, fashion, which continuously divide the Viagra Cialis Levitra rights to the body. We are constantly surrounded by "ideal" images, which most of us can achieve. However, these images are often an illusion created by the camera and computers. Both men and women are increasingly dissatisfied with body or other parts of the body, growth, weight and appearance. We can not change the inherent anatomy and physiology, and still do everything we Order Levitra Online Sale can to meet that invented the ideal. At the same time we pay not only the money: we betray and deny ourselves, what we really are and what we feel. And if we have fallen short of "ideal", it is often hate themselves, because we determine its value through the appearance of your body. If the shape and size are a reflection of what we have! Visual media simultaneously and form our sense of reality and suppress bodily perception: to be thin - normally, and everything else deviation. According to statistics, in modern society, four out of five women suffer from problems associated with the adoption of food and bodily appearance. One third of them resorted to at least one type of self-destructive actions in order to keep weight under control. Fear of getting fat and do not conform to generally accepted standards, forcing a woman to live by the principle: "Hunger - the best cook, the food - my enemy." Focusing on the process of "self", patients usually devalues meal as a source of nutrients for the body, as it is vital, a vital function. Relationships with parents in such patients is usually complicated. Here you can meet and "bomb", lying in the depths of personal stories, and "skeletons in the closet, and hid in pridorozhya" booby traps ".

Now are 4 cycle in psychogenesis anorexia nervosa.

1. Fasting is an effective tool to fight with their parents.

2. Excessive parental attention to nutrition, the penalty for uneaten food, establishes the child's emotional stress and a desire to protest.
Arguments like: "There do not eat - do not come out from behind the desk", "do not go for a walk until the Viagra Levitra dish is not empty", unconsciously perpetuate the stereotype response to food intake. In this case, through food formed obedience and submission to established norms in the family, suppressing the desire for self desires and needs.

3. Dependence on other people's opinions "that people would say, deprives the confidence of internal growth, emotional comfort.
Appetite is reduced under the influence of the patient's anxiety about real or perceived overweight, as well as in connection with the reactions of others to too much loss of body weight. The source of anxiety can become sexual maturation and psychosexual development, which can slow down with the help of weight loss. Getting older - it becomes an adult, responsible, take much longer to perform more complex cases, be smarter and more experienced than the young.
Growing up - is the result of human development. Fear evolve and become more mature, manifested in geraskofobii - fear of adulthood. This fear is more often in women and is associated with Levitra Pills anxiety loss of attractiveness. It is generally accepted that men, of course, involve a young woman's body, girl "freshness", the smell of "Lolita" and the angularity of adolescents, their foolish naivete and plain worldly "wisdom".

4. Hunger is disturbing on a biological level, and because patients are not aware of feelings of hunger, then try in vain to cope with this anxiety by refusing to eat.

When anorexia is a significant reduction in body weight. This leads, more often, refusal to eat. Since the installation of a food is ambivalent, there are bouts of famine, which are usually concealed and proceed with a sense of guilt. Under any pretext, patients are trying to get rid of food, causing vomiting or taking laxatives serious (as vegetable remedies are not true laxatives). There are chronic constipation, may be disorders of the Viagra Cialis Levitra Which Is Best menstrual cycle, pending complete termination, although the weight loss is not yet expressed. There is increase of motor activity even in the loss of strength due to malnutrition. The perception of the body is violated (when weight loss is clearly convinced of the excessive fullness, refuse to support the weight out minimum standards in accordance with the age and growth).

Such patients is inherent in obsessive fear of losing control, together with the lack of concern about the cessation of menses. On the arms come from the idea that evil healthier, "all desire to disappear," I'm fed up, asceticism sharpens the mind, physical weakness to be overcome by quenching. Modern interpretations of the teachings of anorexia nervosa as a disturbing reaction immature personality to demand independence and social or sexual activity, to which it is not ready yet.

In an artistic form of anorexia are transferred to the parable of "cured delirium" Lord of the city suffered from melancholia and Ray anorexia. Avicenna decided to help him sort method. King believed that he was - a cow, forgetting that he is a man. By this, he bellowed like a bull, and begged: "Kill me, use my meat": He had eaten nothing: "Why do not you take me to the green meadow, where I could eat like a real cow!" Since he did not ate from it were skin and bones. Nothing helped him. Avicenna came to the king. He cried a terrible voice: "Where is this cow, I finally will kill her!". But before he checked, as does the butcher, the quantity of fat and meat. He shouted: "No, this cow is not ready for slaughter! Take it and give something to eat, when it attains the desired weight, I will come and will kill her. Hoping to soon be slaughtered patient began to eat everything that was brought to him. He began to gain weight, his condition improved, he fully recovered.

Today, psychologists, psychotherapists, honey. workers somatic profiles have a huge store of knowledge, techniques, methods that can help solve such problems as anorexia nervosa. Unfortunately, in view of therapists, such patients get are often already having a decent "experience" frustration, beating a lot of doctors, or, even harder just to not be a problem for various reasons: lack of knowledge on this issue, the denial of a family of anorexia nervosa as problems, fear not be conceived or convicted. Although it is well known that the problem of feeding behavior is a matter of neurotic response of the individual. Namely, the scope of suppressed emotions, desires, pleasures, instincts, replacing all the imaginary success, workaholism, career growth, simply depriving himself of human happiness, the joys of life.

In this regard, help the therapist is a very important link in solving this problem, when you simply need to resolve an internal conflict between "superzadachami" and the rejection of natural needs.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Принципы правильного питания

Есть нужно ровно столько, чтобы покрыть затраты энергии, не забывая при этом о суточном биоритме - "сова" выпьет с утра чашечку кофе, а "жаворонок" предпочтет завтрак поплотнее. Прекрасно начинать день с "эликсира здоровья" - 0,5 литра отвара овощей (картофель, морковь, петрушка, укроп). Не забывайте о том, что пища, съеденная без аппетита, менее полезна. Ибо аппетит - это и привычка, и инстинкт. С ним нельзя не считаться. Впрочем, как и со своими внутренними биологическими часами. Например, если в 8 часов утра вы примете алкоголь, то на печень обрушится сокрушительный удар. А вот если сядете за стол в 15 часов, то получите наибольшее удовольствие от еды, ибо в это время суток органы чувств обострены до предела, особенно обоняние и вкус.

Когда есть?
Идеально перекусывать каждые два часа и, желательно, каждый день в одно и то же время, чтобы организм автоматически вырабатывал необходимые для пищеварения компоненты к определенным часам. Особое внимание необходимо уделить первому завтраку. Но почему мы просто обязаны позавтракать первый раз летом до 7-ми, а зимой до 8-ми часов утра? Представьте себе рассвет. Вспомните, как в одночасье просыпается природа: пестрым многоголосьем заливаются птицы, оживляется растительный мир, ваша собака или кошка, дождавшись, когда вы проснетесь, нетерпеливо устремляется на кухню, забегая вперед. Начинается новый день, новая жизнь. Не слушайте тех, кто говорит, что организм должен "заработать" себе завтрак. Поверьте, он вам ничего не должен. А только вы ему. За то, что он терпит все издевательства над собой и при этом еще умудряется слаженно работать. Поэтому позавтракайте в указанное время, чтобы отбросить ночную токсичную желчь, вобравшую в себя отрицательные результаты вчерашних пищевых и многих других "подвигов".

О совместимости продуктов. Наиболее совместимы между собой овощи, фрукты, мед. Хотя кислые и сладкие плоды лучше вместе не употреблять. Растительная пища, заправленная растительным маслом, только усиливает свои лечебные свойства. Ни с чем не сочетается только дыня, являясь своеобразным "санитаром". Ее нужно есть как самостоятельное блюдо, чтобы не вызвать сильных гнилостных процессов в кишечнике.

ФАСОЛЬ, ГОРОХ, БОБЫ, ЧЕЧЕВИЦА сочетаются только с зеленью и растительным маслом.

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ЯЙЦА можно есть с зеленью, овощами. Их лучше употреблять после 14 часов и сократить количество в летнем рационе. Не стоит их сочетать со сливочным маслом, поскольку они вносят в организм чрезмерную порцию холестерина.

МЯСО хорошо сочетается с зеленью и красными овощами. Не выдерживает никакой критики мясо с тестом: пельмени, пирожки, чебуреки. Несовместима БЕЛКОВАЯ ПИЩА разного происхождения: мясо - молоко, молоко - яйца, мясо - сыр, мясо - орехи.

БЕЛКОВУЮ ПИЩУ (мясо всех видов, птица, рыба, яйца, творог, сыр, молоко, орехи) и КРАХМАЛЬНУЮ (хлеб, изделия из муки, каши, картофель) нужно употреблять в разное время суток. Даже птицы клюют зерна и ловят насекомых в разное время дня.

СВЕЖЕЕ МОЛОКО не совмещается ни с чем и вообще плохо усваивается взрослым организмом. Оно полезно лишь детям и старикам.

САХАР плохо сочетается с белковой и крахмалистой пищей, потому что не требует переваривания в желудке, а сразу усваивается в кишечнике. А употребление сахара с белковой или углеводной пищей ведет к брожению и задержке ее в желудке, и, как следствие, - кислая отрыжка, изжога.

В обычных условиях СОЛЬ лучше не употреблять, поскольку потребность в ней возникает лишь при истощении надпочечников.
Любители растительной пищи должны знать, что ОВОЩИ лучше варить в малом количестве воды. Главное - не соединять в одном приеме пищи тех плодов, что растут на деревьях, с теми, что растут на грядках. Исключение составляет лимон, его можно добавлять в любые овощные блюда.

Каждый продукт питания несет свою энергетику. А если плохое настроение, лучше принять душ, послушать легкую музыку и с радостью приступить к приготовлению пищи, дабы не отнимать энергию у продуктов. В противном случае, вместо живых витаминов и других необходимых веществ наш организм будет получать безжизненную массу. И, наверное, надо все-таки готовить те блюда, которые любят члены семьи. Потому что, если мать заставляет ребенка есть то, что ей легче и проще приготовить, а не то, что он любит, то к 15-16 годам у него могут возникнуть хронический гастродуоденит и холангит. Пищевые пристрастия формируются не капризным характером, а генетической памятью рода.

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Dysfunctional bleeding is important to understand that in this case, blood will be excreted in the urine or without it, but solely from the urethra. The only exceptions are significant traumatic injuries of pelvic organs.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

medical establishments of all categories

In a country increasingly expanding capabilities of modern medical care. This is the practical result of the reforms in the health system, consistent work to ensure the interests of man.

Resolution of the President "On the Program of measures to further strengthen and improve the work being done to improve reproductive health, birth of a healthy child, the formation of physical and spiritual development generation for 2009-2013." From July 1, 2009 promotes the health system to a qualitatively new level.

Extensive work in this direction is carried out in the Fergana region. In rural areas, special attention is paid to improving the quality of medical care, maternal and child health, increasing medical awareness of the population.

In Altyarykskom district has 21 rural health units. Based on the project "Health-2" 12 of them are equipped with modern medical and diagnostic equipment, operating with high accuracy. Here, a strict control over the health of mothers and children, which made all the necessary measures.

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In recent years, based on the current project built three rural health units. Employed in which 50 physicians improved their qualifications in a course for general practitioners. In AEP improved efficiency of medical equipment. This promotes public confidence in such health facilities.

Polosansky rural health units providing exemplary health care services more than eight thousand inhabitants. The doctors pay attention to strengthening reproductive health and medical examinations of women of childbearing age. Conducted in citizens' various meetings and conversations are instrumental in improving medical culture of the population.

- Under the leadership of the President of attention is paid to the health sector, - said the chief district medical association Tuychibaev Sarimsakov. - Strengthening the material-technical base of medical establishments of all categories, providing them with modern equipment offers great prospects. There are four MRAs done refurbishment. Began designing buildings ambulance service and garages.

In health care facilities focusing on maternal and child health. All women of childbearing age undergo a thorough examination. During the last period of the year in our area medical checkup were more than 19,000 women, 6791 cured a woman of childbearing age.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

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2. Kroll Kroll (born srawl - crawling) - The fastest way to move in the water, and therefore very favorite athletes. When announced competitions in swimming in freestyle, most athletes prefer it prudent rabbits. So the "freestyle" and "crawl" have become almost synonymous. Technique: swimming the crawl is similar to crawling on their bellies, but only in the water. It is believed that swimming the crawl has evolved from a voyage on the side - just pull start and the second hand. Swimmer in turn immersed in water slightly bent at the elbow in front of the shoulders, makes a long paddle and a strong, gradually straightening my arm, makes it out of the water at the hip.
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Legs while doing the movement up and down, slightly bent and straightening the knees. History: professionally compete in this style swimmers decided at the beginning of XX century. Then in one cycle movements of the hands of all athletes performed two movements feet (dvuhudarny crawl). This kind of Krol was named "Australian".

Thursday, March 18, 2010


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